What is your favourite Alien film?

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


The most frequently type casted stereotypes in films are gays. Being gay myself this causes a fair amount of annoyance to me. Let me put it this way, Peter Parker in Spiderman is a very gay character. This was possibly not a conscious effort on Sam Raimi's part or Tobey Maguires for that matter, but he screams gay. In that character he even looks uncomfortable kissing the girls, let alone in the bedroom department (poor Mary Jane). So what I'm trying to say here is that though there are characters that ooze homosexual tendencies none of them are actually gay. If a character is gay within a film they are a usually side characters, that are so stereotypical it hurts the gay community that I'm apart of. They are also the butt of every bodies jokes and the jokes themselves are always about orientation. Romantic comedies are the worst for this, despite being fairly popular amongst gay men (I'm excluding myself here), they're always friends with the girl who gets the man, and the man in question is always OK with the gay guy, but will never sleep with them. Well why the hell not? I know women might not like it if their leading man sleeps with another dude, but it is possible and it would make the films a hell of a lot less predictable if they did.

If their ever was to be a gay male lead in a film, there is a big hoo har about the whole thing. It can't just be Clark Kent just happens to be with Dave, it has to be some elaborate thing of coming to terms with the sexuality. Why can't the Green hornet just be with a bloke, is it really that likely to put off potential cinema goers. Its not like you see much in these films, there are no hard core sex scenes so its not like Bruce Wayne is gonna start bumming The Joker. Though that might defuse their sexual tension... if only Heath Ledger were still with us, it could have been a Brokeback Mountain and Batman cross over.

Maybe one day the world will change and everybody in the world will accept homosexuality for what it is. I mean everyone in this world wants to fit in, everyone wants some sort of acceptance. Its a bizarre concept that homophobic heterosexuals still want their peers to accept them for who they are, whether they're typically normal or not, but they cannot accept gay people for something they truly cannot help. I mean why would gay people choose to have a more difficult life when they're growing up?

TLA releasing have done their up most to keep gay culture in films, but they're all fairly obvious accounts that would only really appeal to a gay audience. I believe that gay characters can be put into mainstream Hollywood films and not put off the punters. Clever scripts and films can carry off gay characters without the need for obvious stereotypes. Come on Hollywood you can do it. I dare you.


  1. Was reading an article recently about how brokeback mountain made hollywood investors see gay films as a good investment/ a proven target market to create a box office hit.
    Will have to find article for other details but was thinking of the kids are alright and Scott Pilgrim's roommate.

  2. maybe also think of independent films i.e. kaboom, hedwig and the angry inch, shortbus, Crazy.
    Which may not be really mainstream but have cult followings.

  3. Yes I have to say I overlooked Scott Pilgrim and some smaller productions.

    I'd love to read the article in question. In terms of indie films they always seem to take homosexuality in a good light which is great. My main grevience is mainstream hollywood.

    I love you phillip morris was a great film, but also didn't really catch on in america for some reason.

    Thanks for reading :)

  4. think there was some religious groups which caused some outburst which prevented Philip Morris from taking off - got it yesterday in fopp really wanna watch it, haven't had time. Also transamerica - gay Hollywood seems like its in its infancy still seen as edgey for oscar voters etc.
    btw its chris

  5. Hey Chris. I think cause of Phillip Morris being a true story about a man who basically makes a fool out of the Rupublican party may have also been a factor. Its really funny actually, and transamerica is one of my favourite films. Thats an example of gay character being done well, without the fact that they're gay being the main story.
