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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Batman Returns ****

An extremely ambitious, greatly directed superhero movie

"Batman does battle with evil Penguin, whilst being side tracked by the slinky Catwoman who has scores of her own to settle." 

Tim Burton the man behind the original Batman film and Beetlejuice, brings the world the sequel to Batman, that exceeds the original in more ways than one. Firstly Michelle Pfeiffer and Danny De Vito are a great mix of Batmans enemies. The dark, deadly and sexy Catwoman works well to rattle some heads within the story and penguin works in the same way that the joker worked in the original. The sets are stunning and immaculate. Gotham city has so many dark alleyways that you could never know what's happening at one time or another. The only thing that gives it a bad name is its script, which at times seems to lapse and then not recover for while. Tim Burtons direction bring superhero films into a new realm. Beats all the superman films and the other Batman films by a mile. Though in terms of realisation the new Batman begins has a bite where this one lacks, but Burton is a more original director than Nolan.

*First review written by me at 16. Re-written at 21*

Tim Burton has an interesting history in film, between the surreal Pee Wee's Big Adventure and mis-interpreted Alice in Wonderland, Tim Burton's career has gone from an artistic darkly comic director, to unimaginative copy-cat of his own work. I still stand by my original review in that this film is very cleverly directed, beautifully shot, with stunning towering set pieces, but a script that goes from cheesy melodrama, to cheap and nasty humour.

Though with some terribly written scenes there are some, incredible ones. Mainly those concerning antagonists Catwoman and Penguin. One scene in particular concerning the two concocting a frivolous ploy to destroy batman is one that springs to mind. The acting is first class, Danny DeVito is deliciously theatrical and sinister, Michelle Pfeiffer relentlessly sexy and smooth.

Since my original review Dark Knight was released. Unfortunately for Burton I retract my youthful statement of his originality over Nolan. Dark Knight surpasses Batman Returns and almost eclipses its existence, but this instalment still has great merit and will stand out as one of the greatest superhero films, not to mention cementing Batman as the greatest superhero franchise ever.

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